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z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Bmx I have a 205 server you can use for Sunday if need be..
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from menantoll :The SR also doesn't pick up when the racer calls the server owner a retard

Well actually.......put "retard" in your swear filter as watch what happens.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
And there goes the downward spiral of a new server thread starting out with nice comments then turning into garbage because people can't seem to not act like imbeciles.......
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :You crack me up man..woohoo

Did you buy that avatar?
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from nssf :man im so pissed off i dont understand annything annymore of that stupid crap the crap dont want to work f*ck sake i set all that crap on treu i removed the # in front of it i changed the default cars why the crap dont want to work and even stranger when i put the 2 # again in front of it the lapper exe letts me dump of lof end dump of lof :S its even telling me now without that # in front :S and when the # ar on i cant open !drf annymore pffffff now i set all treu false to default and stil not working

Quote of the year, 2010.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Donate. That'll motivate 'em.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from SF-Turdtron :I need support..I would like someone to help me achieve the following:

1: welcome message when player connects (same as /rcm_ply) command

if you can tell me how to do will help a lot.

At the moment Airio doesn't do that.

You can however use LFSRelax.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :And he calls himself an american

wtf is that supposed to mean?
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from Sueycide_FD :Was hoping to come back into the Serverlist to see some big race servers, but to no avail none. Cargame was good for an hour though with its little mixed class fields. Not enough fast guys though in each class unlike IHR had back in the winter

It's the 4th of July. You expected full servers at this time of night?
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Where's Rodney King when we need him?

Shut up and race.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Saying all of today's servers are shit and suck?

Don't really want your attitude anyway.

Make your own server.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Your avatar expresses a lot about you in an environment where there is no other visual clue to your personality. It's very important to get the right avatar, one that says something about you.

It's a serious business, this internet thing.

So doc, what does mine say?
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Is it stealing, or paying tribute?
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from Valefor :Hey Dean.
I tried to update Airio to the lastest version (2.4.5) but the Airio.srv is not the same than the offered by EQWorry on the Downloads section.
I had this issue from the first install (when I bought the server) and it hasn't never fixed.

You have to upload it yourself, as with cfg.txt and tcd.txt

When you click on the update, it only installs a new Airio.exe, the remaining files must be either edited or replaced (except for the .sta files)
z-ro 8
S2 licensed

Quote :Hostname colour options : (add to url)
&c=1 for black
&c=2 for white
&c=3 for grey
&c=4 for blue

z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from pmd9409 :xrg > kyoto 150

it would be close, and we don't have to worry about the ridiculous thing lfs calls "drafting".

z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Thanks bunder for the effort.

Hopefully the data recorded throughout this season will affect the restrictions for next....

Was fun though, unrestricted NGT is no fun, and the Baby-restrictions aren't either. These are right in the middle, and great to handle.

Gratz to delis, unbeaten. Unbelieveable.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Sorry EQ, you're usually asleep by now...
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from mlucky :...snip..

1) yes, although probably too accurate. the "2" is meters off the defined pth file.
no, you cannot assign a penalty (as of now, but you could ask for it to possibly be added later).

2) In .tcd file, and example would be:

Quote :# Empty track means the following values are valid for all tracks

# Values for this type of car on all tracks

# Defines required intake air restriction

# Defines required added mass

# Defines percents to add to default required time

For this to apply, you would need to have in .srv file:

Quote :CheckHandicaps=true

but you cannot only force it to one driver.

3) If you want to upgrade to 2.4.5, you need to replace the Airio.exe, and either replace the cfg.txt, srv.txt, tcd.txt files, or only add whatever missing commands there are from 2.4.2 to 2.4.5.(you do not need to replace any .sta files, but make sure you cleanly disconnect Airio from your server before you upgrade to 2.4.5, by typing !quit in chat in server)
(if you are using 500servers for example, you will have to ask for a .exe upgrade to be done by the host)

Think i got it all, hope that helps. Please anyone correct me if i have missed something.
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Worry, i have seen a few people including myself not have !ex when checked on servers.
Tried to do !exr, and only get a message:

Quote :Your last known experience was 0.0

Happened on 2.4.5 and 2.4.2.

I can get the logs from both versions if you like, unless you may already know what it may be....


EDIT: sorted.
incorrect pubstat key FYI
Last edited by z-ro 8, .
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Fanatastic job Franky.

Have a pint (now that you're done with mine).
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Bmx, wth.....
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Are you sure your GridPriCount= is set properly?
And yes, i do believe drivers need to be on grid in order to retain their positions...

Or, you could just use CustomGrid=false in Airio, and /start=reverse in LFS....
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Quote from franky500 :First name not username so not long till you are up actually!

EDIT: whilst i have you coming up soon,. Just sent you a PM.

Replied. :-)
z-ro 8
S2 licensed
Alphabetical order?

I'm so screwed.

LOL j/k, take your time franky, i will not be offended